I’ve been dragging around from the end of your coat for two weeks. March 18, 2018 by jentober 10.52 brainy ~ the national (theme – surrender)
Here we are, trapped in the amber of this moment. March 11, 2018 by jentober 9.52 slaughterhouse five ~ kurt vonnegut (theme – time)
Write the first sentence of your autobiography. (questions & answers. 52.) March 11, 2018 by jentober
I remember awakening one morning and finding everything smeared with the color of forgotten love. March 4, 2018 by jentober 8.52 memory ~ charles bukowski (theme – contrast)
I can’t carry the weight of this war. I can’t do it anymore. Everyone’s wounded, nobody’s won. February 25, 2018February 25, 2018 by jentober 7.52 what a good woman does ~ joy williams three women project. theme – empty
You’ve a good heart. Sometimes that’s enough to see you safe wherever you go. But mostly it’s not. February 18, 2018 by jentober 6.52 neverwhere ~ neil gaiman theme – escape